Nancy Thrasher

Thrasher Foundation Repair

Title: Co-Owner
Hometown: Omaha, NE
Nancy Thrasher from Thrasher Foundation Repair

Nancy grew up in Westphallia, Iowa, and currently resides in Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband Greg. Nancy has served our customers since 1975 with her husband, Greg, and today is involved with our company's leadership team, finances, human resources and event planning. While in the early days she worked closely with all aspects of the business, she says now that "we have wonderful, smart employees who work in the areas in which they are gifted." Nancy has three children, Dan, Dave and Anna, and enjoys spending time with her grandkids and volunteering at church.

"The best part being at Thrasher is the people," Nancy said.

At Thrasher, we work every day to challenge the status quo and provide an unparalleled experience for each of our customers. Nancy's support and energy has been at the very core of that mission for over 40 years.

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