Before & After Photos

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Concrete Lifting Quickly & Mess Free

Sidewalk slabs can really cause problems when they sink causing an unsightly tripping hazard.  In less than one day, we quickly and without a mess, raised the slab back to its original position eliminating the trip hazard.  Why replace it, when you can raise it!  

Concrete Leveling and caulking

Sometimes lifting concrete doesn't only need just the lifting to eliminate the gaps, but caulking helps fill those gaps and make it look much nicer.

Sunk Concrete causing water to flow towards home

This back patio had sank towards the home causing the water of melting snow and rain to flow towards the home. We were happy to come raise this back up to it's original level no longer allowing that water to flow towards the home

Concrete leveling of driveway and sidewalk

Our customer Bill reached out to us when he was noticing a lot of unlevel slabs in his driveway and sidewalk. He liked that our product has a 5-year warranty and is a lot more durable than the standard mud that is usually injected. We were able to complete his work for him in Spring 2022 and he is another very satisfied customer.

Driveway Lifting

It is very common for the concrete in front of a garage to drop causing a bump when you go in and out of your garage.  As luck would have it, we have a solution for this issue.  Our PolyLevel System is a lightweight foam that is pumped underneath the area that needs to be lifted.  The foam will expand to allow the concrete to be placed exactly where it should be.  The foam is environmentally friendly, and waterproof so it will not wash out and has a high capacity to allow for lifting heavy loads.  You can't go wrong with PolyLevel! 

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