Before & After Photos

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Cracking Pool Deck in Brandon, MS

The previously sunken area of this pool deck has now been raised back up and all surrounding cracks have been protected and sealed to ensure erosion and voids are no longer a problem. Using polyfoam, the slab was quickly restored to its original position without the mess that may come with mudjacking. The NexusPro that currently seals the cracks is flexible and UV-resistant, making it ready for any weather conditions.

Sunken Steps in Jackson, MS

These photos display a set of concrete steps before and after our PolyLevel solution. The steps are now nice and level with the sidewalk and the tripping hazard is gone!

Leveling and Sealing Concrete Walkway

This cracked and sunken section of concrete has been restored using both our PolyLevel and NexusPro solutions. PolyLevel involves injecting expanding/hardening foam under the concrete to bring it back to level, while Nexus is used to safely and securely seal cracks. Here, you can see the results!

Leveling Sidewalks in Jackson, MS

Our concrete crew got to help level and seal many different areas of concrete around this revival center, making these surfaces much safer for anyone to walk on. Here is one section of their sidewalk we were able to level back up perfectly, using our PolyLevel solution.

Sealing Cracks with NexusPro in Jackson, MS

In these images you can see the many cracks we have sealed with NexusPro. The cracks in this driveway have allowed water to find its way under the slab for a while now, creating voids that ultimately result in settlement and even more cracking. NexusPro is flexible, UV-resistant, and long-lasting, making it the perfect solution for blocking out seepage and making sure the driveway stands firm.

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