Before & After Photos

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Nexxus Pro in Collierville, TN

This before and after is all about CRACK REPAIR!! Before deciding to completely replace concrete, Redeemers Group recommends getting an inspection to see if it can be repaired, not replaced. We have just the fix for sunken or cracked concrete here at Redeemers!! We offer Nexxus Pro to fill in concrete cracks, and our PolyLEVEL technology to raise sunken concrete.

These pictures are from a driveway in Collierville. This customer opted to fill in the cracks with Nexxus Pro, in addition to the PolyLEVEL to raise the sidewalk of the home. The Nexxus Pro is seamlessly injected into the crack, then our team will smooth it out level with the concrete, then dust it with sand so it will blend with the existing concrete. Once the Nexxus Pro has completely dried, you can hardly tell there was ever a crack. See the before and after of this amazing crack repair!

Sidewalk Facelift in Collierville, TN!

This sidewalk in Collierville, TN was such a trip hazard! After Redeemers Group came to the rescue with our PolyLEVEL technology, the sidewalk was raised back up the original position, eliminating the trip hazard. As seen in the before pictures, you can see where the one slab has clearly sunken lower than the others, causing the trip hazard. In the after pictures, you can see all the slabs are once again level. Thank you PolyLEVEL!!

Concrete Repair for Sidewalk Tripping Hazard in Collierville, TN

This customer was dealing with a major tripping hazard due to his sidewalk settling.  It was so dangerous, it needed to be painted bright red so it was visible to pedestrians.

Redeemers Group was on the case!  Our PolyLevelTM System solved this dangerous problem promptly and permanently!

Concrete Repair for A/C unit slab in Collierville, TN

Sagging concrete could mean big problems for your home.  This Collierville, TN home needed some concrete repair work on the slab holding the A/C unit.  PolyLevelTM lifted and leveled, and NexusProTM sealed the spaces!

Concrete Leveling in Collierville

A little PolyLevelTM goes a long way!  Check out the lifting we did to this concrete slab!

If you need help with your foundation, crawl space, basement, or concrete; call, click, or chat in the box below!

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