Tim Doran


Title: Design Specialist
Hometown: Minnetonka, MN
Tim Doran from DBS

Tim joined the DBS family in April 2023 as one of our Design Specialists. His previous experience includes helping people make their homes fantastic for the past 12 years and enjoys helping homeowners create healthy, safe, and comfortable homes!
Tim has completed our thorough training, providing him with the knowledge to provide our customers with "WOW" service. Something unique about Tim is that he loves helping people and is enthusiastic about doing it. What excites him most about his work at DBS is meeting new people and helping them to repair their homes.

In his free time, Tim enjoys painting, strategy games, nerf wars with his kids, and camping. If he could have dinner with anyone it would be his younger self to "help him learn all of the mistakes and right choices in the future 20 years I made."

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